Fixed by using cmd: USB drive unusable, unformattable, and reporting 0 bytes capacity
Tutorial on Flash Drive repair by using command prompt. This tutorial are works at win7 and win8 1. open cmd in administrator 2. type diskpart 3. make sure you select the disk # of the usb stick/flash drive 3.a. list disk "to list all disk mounted" 3.b. select disk # "select the flash drive disk" 4 type list volume "to view the volume of the selected disk" 4.a type select volume # 5. type list partition "if partition is not available type the code below " 6. type create partition primary 7. type format fs=(format_type) quick label="Flashdrivename" e.g format fs=ntfs quick label="Flash" (format_type) may be equal to = ntfs or fat32 8. done you may now use your flash drive you may also do a partition of your drive..